Wednesday, July 22, 2009


You may have noticed it's been a while since I last posted.

I felt like most of my entries were just hacks of the LifeHacker blog entries that came through every day on my RSS feeds, and that's not the kind of blogger I wanted to be.

I wanted to post things that are new! And unique! And insightful!

So I was very excited the other night when my husband created new headlight wiper blades for me out of my old windshield blades. We had just replaced the large wipers, and he observed that, well, the headlight wipers were already ancient when we bought the car three years into its life. In the intervening years, we had never replaced them. He quite cleverly cut apart the rubber and metal of the old blades, and sandwhiched them into the blade holders for the headlights. I took pictures every step of the way. Hurrah! A useful post! Recycling blades, and saving money through not having to spend the $30 / blade it cost for new headlight blades.

Unfortunately it's been done before. That's almost even my car! (I have the S60, same model year.)

Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting Creative In Minimizing Waste

I haven't posted in a while because real life has taken over. But I did want to share my latest forays into the realm of "Waste not, want not." I'm having to get creative.

Home made bread seemed like a great way to cut costs, so I've been experimenting a lot there. My one attempt at "Five Minute Bread" was quite successful; my home made sourdough using Oregon Trail starter, much less so.

Maybe my expectations with regards to sourdough are just to high, hmm?

Luckily for us waste-avoiders, there are lots of uses for sourdough bread that's gone stale due to disappointment. The majority of it will go to croƻtons. A smaller amount went into this summer squash casserole recipe. Which was OK, though not fabulous. Keep an eye out for more summer squash recipe reviews here: I have a bumper crop and I'm ALREADY sick of it, even though the season has barely started!