Friday, August 21, 2009

PhotoRec FTW!

I just lost a LOT of personal files on a free thumb drive that turned out to be corrupt! Warning to everyone not to use a free, give-away, swag thumb drive for anything that is actually important, since these are apparently pretty cheap.

ANYWAY, I manage to recover a LOT of files using PhotoRec. Not everything - there's some pictures of my kids missing, alas - but a lot more than PC Inspector. Recover Files couldn't even tell there was a disk there (I guess it's better for straight forward file deletion, rather than fatal disk errors).

Kudos to the team over at CGSecurity. Not the easiest tool to use ever, but it worked so hey! I'm for it!

(And this counts as "waste not", btw, because I didn't just throw out the corrupt thumb drive - I managed to get files off it. And NOW I'm going to clean it and toss it, since this is *blush* the second time it's corrupted files on me...)

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