Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I haz a sad

I lost my MARC train ticket for October. I managed to lose it after only having used it ONCE. This, ladies and gentlemen, is an extremely obvious example of waste. I spent three solid days tearing apart my house looking for it. I made three different phone calls to see if someone had turned it in at various locations - and I HATE making phone calls. No sign of the MARC ticket anywhere.

Clearly I need a better system for keeping track of it! I tried putting the ticket in a large plastic sleeve to make it easier to find in my purse, but I think that ultimately worked against me: since it was so large it was constantly in my way, and I couldn't stash it away safely in the zippered pocket inside my purse.

(On a metaphysical note, I truly believe that EVERYTHING that happens in life happens for a reason, but even my positive cheery self is having a hard time seeing the greater meaning behind this little mishap!)

1 comment:

  1. My wife lost her ATM card once. After the replacement arrived, the old one turned up... in her purse... in the usual location... but backwards! The bright red front was hidden, and the plain white was showing. She was looking for the bright red.
