Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rant the First

How come all the good blog addresses are already taken, primarily by people who haven't posted in years ...or ever? "Cultivating Cheap" was not my first choice, by a long shot. But it does nicely embody the main idea of this blog: documenting my ongoing efforts to reduce my footprint from both a financial and environmental perspective.


  1. So, what were some of your first choices?

  2. Seems like a good topic for a blog. I have one here on Blogspot/Blogger but rarely use it. Once I expressed an opinion on it and a bunch of people got mad at me so it kind of soured things for me. :-)

  3. >So, what were some of your first choices?

    day-by-day (about incrementally effecting change)
    oneday (ditto)
    ninesquarefeet (because my "square foot" garden will have nine squares when done)
    threetrees (for the three fruit trees in the back yard)
    patchofheaven (a reference to the kid's movie _Home on the Range_)
    twoacres (because that's the size of my lot)
    suburbanhomestead (sorta what I'm doing)
    suburbanhomesteader (getting fancy with the morphology to see if that worked!)

    Even zombiedefense was taken!

    I toyed with the idea of using dashes in the name to avoid the conflicts, but decided on "Cultivating Cheap" instead.

  4. Good topic for a blog. I look forward to reading.

  5. Sounds cool:>. That's the zombie defying path we're on:>. Virag
